End-of-Life and Palliative Care Training for Support Workers
While palliative care includes end-of-life care, the key difference is that particular care options can be used at any point along the process.
The time spent in palliative care differs from person to person depending upon the illness and the type of support a client may need.
There are many end-of-life and palliative care options for people living with a disability, and support workers have a key role to play in supporting a client with a life-limiting illness who wishes to die at home.
This short course will provide disability support workers with knowledge and practical skills to provide support to a client with a life-limiting illness.
The course will cover the following topics:
- The role of the support worker in supporting a customer with a life-limiting illness
- The dying process
- End of life planning
- Considerations of other resident in a group home setting where a client is dying
- The needs of a conscious and unconscious customer who is dying
- Nutrition and fluid management
- Elimination requirements
- Pressure injury prevention
- Infection control considerations
- Oral care
- Identifying and managing pain or distress
- Immediate actions required upon the death of the client
Face-to-Face: 3.5 hours → Live Virtual Classroom: 3 hours →
Contact the professional team at Premium Health today to discuss our End-of-Life and Palliative Care Training for Support Workers delivery options.