Premium Health - Health Care Training Team

Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when there is a complete blockage of a coronary artery, or its branches, depriving a section of the heart muscle of its blood supply and therefore oxygen. Signs and symptoms may include central chest pain or discomfort, pain radiating into arm, neck or jaw, shortness of breath, grey skin colour or cold and clammy skin.

Premium Health were fast, flexible and willing to assist at all times, we changed sessions from face-to-face (on-site) to video conferencing for all of our people. This was a great achievement and provided a great outcome.

  • Jenny O’Farrell
  • Head of Learning & Development
  • Disability Services Australia
  • I need a course for...
  • Disability
  • First Aid
  • Health Professionals
  • High Intensity Support Skills
  • Mental Health
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