Training in NDIS: why trainers delivering health education need to be nurses
Emerging research suggests people with a disability are more likely to suffer preventable deaths. With this in mind, it’s critical that experienced trainers deliver quality training outcomes for NDIS High Intensity Daily Personal Activities (HIDPA).
Premium Health has identified that nurses possess the experience needed to provide the most relevant training in the NDIS sector, to ensure successful supported care learning outcomes for participants.
The needs of NDIS clients can be complex and multifaceted, extending from tube feeding, epilepsy with midazolam, medication, catheter care, and bowel and elimination management. Premium Health’s nurse trainers are committed to providing the best practice and quality training, ensuring your staff involved in high intensity NDIS activities possess the skills they need.
The nurse trainers at Premium Health offer experience advice to support the provision of industry-leading health training, helping you improve the health and well-being of your clients.
Make certain your training is the best it can be and it complies with the NDIS HIDPA requirements: get in touch with our team today and let us assist you in in your compliance requirements.