First time first aiders
Every day, Australians from all walks of life are involved in incidents that require immediate intervention and urgent medical attention. And in the case of life-threatening injuries or illnesses, it’s those critical first few minutes before the ambulance arrives that can really make a life-saving difference, which is why every Australian should be empowered with the skills to step up and deliver CPR and First Aid.
Empowering everyday Aussies with the skills to make a difference
To get this season off to a safer start, Premium Health Founder and Managing Director, Phillipa Wilson reached out to members of her local business community with an offer of a free place in Premium Health’s Provide First Aid training course – a 1 day course that involves face-to-face training and assessment with a pre-study requirement.
A nationally accredited course, Premium Health’s Provide First Aid (HLTAID003) is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to provide first aid from first-on-scene response to incident recording and reporting. Often mandated by industry legislation, this kind of training isn’t just beneficial for construction workers or engineers, but for everyday people too.
People like Neil – a 27-year-old office worker from South Yarra, Melbourne.
First Aid / CPR training experience? “Zero!”
As a British ex-pat now living and working in Australia, it was Neil’s love of the Australian wilderness that made the offer of free First Aid training too good to refuse.
For some reason, formal First Aid or CPR training was never really on my agenda, but having recently moved to Australia, a place known for its rugged wilderness and at times dangerous wildlife, I think it’s important to feel confident about heading into the bush with friends to explore this incredible country. Knowing this course covered snake bite injuries, well, that was a real incentive.
In the lead-up to his course, Neil received a link to Premium Health’s HLTAID003 Provide First Aid e-workbook via email, as well as a link to a page of Summary Questions that would form part of his overall assessment.
I spent the recommended 3 hours studying my workbook, completing the Summary Questions as I went. Already I felt empowered with new knowledge, and being the competitive sort, I was looking forward to putting it to the test in my face-to-face assessment.
So, how’d it go?
The course kicked off with introductions – first and foremost, meeting our instructor, Rob. As an experienced paramedic, Rob had seen and done it all – including administering life-saving First Aid in the middle of nowhere, 14 hours away from medical assistance. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before we realised the significance of what we were about to do and achieve in this course.
And the snake bite treatment Neil was so keen to learn?
Like most people in my class, I was totally wrong about the snake treatment! Without giving too much away, what we’d always believed to be the correct method of treatment turned out to be kind of deadly.
The way the course content was structured and presented made it engaging not just for me, but everyone in the room. With his incredible stories about his time on the road, Rob had our attention from the start and held it for the duration – not one of us was tempted to even check our phones. Which admittedly for me, is a feat in itself!
And how does it feel?
I left the class feeling competent, capable and above all, confident in my abilities to deliver First Aid. Official certificate pending, I am the closest I’ve ever been to being an accredited First Aider! I’m looking forward to it arriving later this week to prove to my friends that I’m a reliable camping buddy with snake bite management skills to boot – let’s just hope I won’t need to use them anytime soon.
Every year, Premium Health empowers 55,000 Australian with the skills to save lives and make a meaningful difference in their workplaces and broader communities. If you or someone you know would benefit from learning life-saving First Aid Skills from the experts, contact Premium Health today.