Archive: Feature

Read the latest articles and updates from Premium Health, a Registered Training Organisation delivering premium health outcomes for Australian workplaces.

Fatal heart attacks have surged in Australia!

"For years, cardiac deaths have been the leading cause of death in Australia. The pandemic has only increased the risk factors." SMH Jan 2023*. When a person's heart stops beating you can help them with...
PH Mental Health First Aid - why trainers should have a tertiary background in mental health

Why Mental Health First Aid trainers should have a tertiary background in mental health

During a MHFA course, mental health trainers must often manage previous experiences of participants. All Premium Health trainers have a tertiary background in mental health so they can provide the best support for those learning...
PH Training in NDIS

Training in NDIS: why trainers delivering health education need to be nurses

Emerging research suggests people with a disability are more likely to suffer preventable deaths. With this in mind, it’s critical that experienced trainers deliver quality training outcomes for NDIS High Intensity Daily Personal Activities (HIDPA)....
PH Beyond Yoga and Fruit Bowls

Beyond yoga and fruit bowls: why more employers should provide Mental Health First Aid

"I wish I had learned about this years ago, I might have made a difference" is a comment our trainers hear frequently when conducting our Mental Health First Aid course. Awareness of the importance of...

All first aid trainers are not the same

What makes Premium Health the natural choice for first aid and health care for many of the name brand organisations you see every day? Premium Health only employ professional trainers from medical and paramedical backgrounds....
Premium Health - Article - NDIS High Intensity Support Skills Descriptors

NDIS High Intensity Support Skills Descriptors

The NDIS High Intensity Support Skills Descriptors sets out the skills and knowledge that NDIS providers should have access to, when delivering complex supports, safely, to NDIS participants. The purpose of these descriptors is to...

Keeping your employees safe: minimising the risk of manual handling injuries

Manual handling injuries continue to provide a challenge for those in the disability and aged care sectors. According to Safework Australia statistics, musculoskeletal injuries represented 55% (or almost 60,000 claims) of all serious claims in...
Premium Health - Mental Health Emergencies

First Aid in Mental Health emergencies: Are you prepared?

When you hear the term “first aid”, it most likely conjures up images of CPR and bandages. But although physical first aid training is vital, there are other facets that are just as important to...
Premium Health - CPR Training

Four cardiac arrests every hour: why CPR skills need frequent refreshing

In Australia, 4 people suffer cardiac arrests out of hospital every hour. Unfortunately, less than 10% survive. What if one happened in your workplace? Are your employees’ CPR first aid skills up to date? Are...
Premium Health - Train Station CPR

What is the chain of survival first aid and why first aid in the first five minutes of a cardiac arrest is crucial

The main reason employers provide their employees with first aid courses is so they can give life-saving care to someone in a workplace emergency, whilst an ambulance is on its way. For some non life-threatening...
Premium Health - Workplace First Aid Training

Are you getting the right kind of first aid training for your workplace?

Not all Australian workplaces are the same – so no two first aid courses should be either. With approximately 285 serious injuries occurring each day in workplaces across Australia, it is undisputed that first aid...
Premium Health - Defibrillation Training

What do Baa Baa Black Sheep and Staying Alive have in common?

When a person goes into cardiac arrest, their chances of recovery and survival drop 10% after every minute without defibrillation. And with 4 cardiac arrests occurring out of hospital every hour in Australia, that’s a...
Premium Health - Advanced First Aid

Not just CPR: four life-saving skills first aid can teach your staff

Across Australia, 12,000 people die from their injuries each year. Yet a focus on quality, comprehensive first aid training is still often passed off as a tick in a regulatory box. Why, when vital first aid...
Premium Health - Advanced Mental Awareness

Want to be an employer of choice? Workplace wellness is vital

In a world of constant workplace innovation, it is getting harder and harder to attract and retain the right employees. Flexible working policies, state-of-the-art facilities and ground-breaking technological offerings are all reshaping the definition of...
Premium Health - Mental Health Cost on Business

Beyond happiness: What is the true cost of mental health on business?

Late in 2017, a report in the UK found that “300,000 people with long-term mental health problems lose their jobs each year,” costing the UK economy about £99 billion annually. This staggering hindrance to profitability...
Premium Health - Training for All Workplaces

Why mental health training should extend to your family

We’ve all heard the old adage that you shouldn’t “take your work home with you.” But ensuring what happens in the office stays in the office is not that easy. In fact, 57% of workers...
Premium Health - Workplace Employer

Do your employees know you care? Only 56% of staff think so

It’s no secret that improving mental health in the workplace is core to reducing absenteeism, increase productivity, retain stellar staff in the war for talent and support your teams through tough times. But in spite...
Premium Health - Workplace Teamwork

The evolution of WHS: What are your mental health obligations?

Long gone are the days when workplace health and safety simply involved mitigating physical dangers. Over the last few decades, health and safety responsibilities have evolved to encompass a far more holistic skillset – including...
Premium Health - Workplace Conversations

How to have difficult conversations around mental health comfortably

In recent years, we’ve seen widespread global progress on the road to eliminating stigma, yet mental health statistics show that something is still holding us back from talking about the issue comfortably. Untreated mental health...
Premium Health - Mental Health vs Mental Illness

Mental Health vs Mental Illness: What are you dealing with?

Over the past few years, we’ve welcomed a greater willingness to engage in conversations around mental health in the workplace. And not a moment too soon, with around 450 million reported cases of mental health...
Premium Health - Workplace Mental Health

Does addressing mental health issues at work risk opening Pandora’s Box?

Despite the global growth of workplace wellness trends, many businesses are still hesitant to discuss mental health in the workplace. One key reason is that they’re scared of opening a Pandora’s Box of mental health...
  • 1 of 2

Premium Health were fast, flexible and willing to assist at all times, we changed sessions from face-to-face (on-site) to video conferencing for all of our people. This was a great achievement and provided a great outcome.

  • Jenny O’Farrell
  • Head of Learning & Development
  • Disability Services Australia
  • I need a course for...
  • Disability
  • First Aid
  • Health Professionals
  • High Intensity Support Skills
  • Mental Health
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Co-ordinating training for a workplace? Contact us for more information or book your live online training or onsite training Australia-wide.