Introducing the new first aid units of competency
Every 5 years a review of the first aid units of competency occurs to ensure training is in line with workforce needs and expectations.
On 12 August 2020 the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) endorsed the release of new versions of first aid units of competency within the HLT Health Training Package. The Industry Reference Committee (IRC) for first aid is responsible for the national training package relevant to resuscitation and the provision of first aid. As Vice-Chair of the IRC, our Managing Director Phillipa Wilson, has with other committee members made a significant contribution to the development of the new units and she is very clear about the changes and requirements Premium Health has to undertake to train in the new units.
These updates have been made to reflect industry best practice, expectations and current regulations and were released on in November 2020.
Registered Training Organisations have 12 months to transition to the new units. From the 1st March 2021, Premium Health will be transitioning to the following new units:
• HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
• HLTAD011 Provide first aid
• HLTAID012 Provide first aid in an education and care setting
Students with a valid qualification in HLTAID001, HLTAID002, HLTAID003 and HLTAID004 will not need to train in the new unit until their existing qualification expires.
We will transition to the advanced first aid units: HLTAID013 Provide first aid in a remote situation, HLTAID14 Provide advanced first aid, HLTAID015 Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy later in the year.
We thank you for choosing Premium Health and look forward to keeping your workforce ready to respond in 2021.