Training your disability support workers for COVID-19
Premium Health specialise in training for the disability sector and understand the challenges faced by the support workers dealing with COVID-19. This is especially relevant given support workers may also be expected to care and support a person with COVID-19 in the group home.
It’s important for all support staff to understand infection control measures and transmission-based precautions such as barrier techniques, appropriate application, removal, and disposal of personal protective equipment.
Premium Health identified the disability sector had a specific need for a COVID-19 infection control training program, and over the past four months our nurse educators have delivered COVID-19 infection control training to over 1000 disability support workers across Australia.
This is delivered via online live interactive training with an experienced nurse educator. This is not eLearning, it’s real interactive training and like all Premium Health training it’s delivered by experienced health professionals.
Our courses include Supporting a Client with COVID-19, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Control, The Role of a Disability Support Worker, and Workplace Mental Health: Coping with Stress and Anxiety During the Coronavirus (COVID–19).
Interested in supporting your support workers? Talk to us today.